How to start a proper self-development process?
First, as referred to many times, awakening happens to you. It is not something that you can do or create. It simply occurs.
No deep conversations have the energy to pull a soul above the level of sleepiness if the soul does not require it.
I had many requests to help awaken relatives, especially loved ones, but some people are desperate to stay unconscious. The information we share is just simply not getting through their EGO´s filter.
The moment of awakening although magical it is a moment of mixed feelings.
When you become conscious about the existence of yourself it could be really scary because after the first euphoric moment anger arises in form of resentment.
You start to question everything around you and feel like you do not fit into your life anymore.
Huge wave of information that once was hidden start flowing to you and despite all that you learned these seem to make sense.
But only for you!
This is also confusing as you might have nobody to embrace you and guide you through it.
It is a funny fact how you start to hear, see, and feel or sense yourself,
like someone else stepped into your skin.
That happens because you start to dis-identify yourself from your thoughts and feelings.
You become an observer of yourself.
Every day you spend more and more time being PRESENT.
The first mistake you should avoid is to start doing all kind of classes and courses just to satisfy your mind´s hunger.
Your EGO forces you to know more and more as if what you already know about this new “something” would be enough.
It is not new!
You´ll discover as soon as you silence your mind that the intelligence arises beyond thought.
There is all within you already.
That is pure consciousness.
And from that arise all the things that truly matter — beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace.
So just STOP and slow down, pay attention to what life brings to you.
Focus within yourself. Just observe what you think, how you feel, how you behave. First step is accepting yourself as you are with all your shadow.
Stop wanting to change anything it is too early, and you might find yourself very soon entangled in all those feeling and thoughts.
Spend the first couple of weeks by practicing presence and to make it easier for you I recommend reading Eckhart Tolle´s book “The Power of Now”. Listen to him on YouTube it will give you a strong base for your process. If his voice does not resonate with you then find one that it does.
To keep you on track in your searching I’ll define the state of presence.
Being present means that you are completely aware about the self.
You sense your body and the space around it.
You observe your feelings and thoughts without identifying yourself with them.
If you manage to be highly alert for a few minutes you´ll notice how thought and feeling stops and peace arises within you.
As you practice, these moments will come easier and faster and will last longer.
You will be dragged out from this state as soon as and only if you allow thought to bring in something from the past or from the future.
So, the next step would be to learn a mind control technique to help you to control your thoughts.
Thought happens to you, it rises and it grows to a continuous stream of thinking that we mistakenly identify with.
Considering that negative thoughts are destructive to us it is important to control them.
So, we play the game of caching negative thought and the moment you start watching the thinker the fun begins.
The key is to catch yourself as soon as you realise you are thinking negative and switch it to something that you appreciate instead.
If you have difficulties with these two steps, then yes you can seek a professional´s help. Start to research but carefully go with the ideas that make sense to you.
From experience I could say that the more promises and the shinier is, less content will give you. The more they mystify and the more they want to change you and impose you their ideas the less they can help you.
Let your instinct guide you to your ideal mentor, who resonates with you at all levels and everything he or she says makes complete sense to you.
And finally, when you master PRESENCE and MIND CONTROL, you´ll notice that the so desired life change is already happening to you.
When you proceed alone the duration of such self-work is from six month to a year. The reason of this is the existence of the ego – your mind programming, which could make the whole process somewhat difficult and painful.
Your ego´s flexibility or rigidity will define the level of your suffering.
As it´s only job is to keep you safe in your own comfort zone, it will fight against you at each step you make towards evolution. It will obstruct you by bringing to the surface all repressed and suppressed negative emotions and force you to face them.
Which although painful, is the only way that evolution is possible.
Because the ego is just as smart and evolved as you are, this is the moment that you should consider looking for external help of a professional
A professional who aligns knowledge to your own individuality and facilitates your unique vision about self.
Hoping that you find this helpful.
Any questions you know how to find me.